During this advert it features a sophisticated wealthy looking woman (Blake Lively) overlooking a lit up city. The persona in the advert is wearing a gold dress which could symbolise wealth. The camera angles are face on and there is movement from showing the back of the women looking out the window to the front to show her face as she is a recognisable figure. The cuts are from her walking to her using the perfume which is what is being advertised. The lighting is bright and the overall colour is gold, there is also a shot of the persona wearing a black dress which could symbolise mystery to the audience. The only prop is the perfume as that is the sole purpose of the advertisement. The only time there is speech is at the end when the persona says the name of the perfume and there is music throughout.
Advertisement for Men: Lamborghini Huracán
This advert starts off with a man looking out a window overlooking a city, the weather is the main feature throughout the advert and starts off stormy and dark, this could symbolise mystery or fear.
The male persona is wearing a suit which could indicate sophistication and class.
The car is then introduced and is blue, it is also the only thing of colour throughout the advertisement this could imply that that car is the main feature and should be looked at. There are short cuts throughout, from the man in the apartment to him outside then inside the car pressing the start button, then it sharply cuts to the car. Majority of the camera angles are high up to show the entire car whilst moving. The lighting is extremely dark but as the car moves the storm above separates and wherever the car goes the sky splits creating a sunny sky instead of stormy. There is a small amount of dramatic music whilst the car is moving to build up suspense and all you can hear is the sound of the car. At the end of the advertisement there is a shot of the car at the top of a mountain overlooking clouds with the quote 'own the sky.'

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