Monday 29 January 2018

Celebrity Big Brother 2018

  • Reality competition. 
  • Channel 5, 9pm which is a mainstream slot. 
  • Explores sexuality e.g. LGBTQ issues 
  • Explores Feminism due to it initially only featuring women and then introducing the men later on. 
  • Various Nationalities throughout, e.g. American, Australian, English. 
  • Voiceover throughout to explore what is going on. Has a regional accent. 
  • Often has flashbacks to remind the audience of what happened during previous episodes. 
  • Multistrand due to focusing on a lot of different people within one episode even though they are all in the same house. 
  • Set within a house, not a normal setting. 
  • Audience often judge the characters and they decide whether to keep them in the show or not due to likability. 
  • A range of age, there is young people in their 20's compared to older people who are 60+ 
  • A range of class is explored also due to a few traditional middle class people in the way they talk and behave and a predominant amount of people who would appear to be working class with their behaviour, accent, etc. 
  • Mainly D list celebrities, often come from a reality show where they become 'famous' and then go onto this reality show.
  • Clear stereotypes - The politicians are very opinionated and harsh. The boy all act very 'Laddish' 
  • Several gay characters throughout and a drag queen. 
  • Purely a show for entertainment for audience satisfaction. 
  • Audience response differs compared to what characters they like and who they don't. Normally very strong opinions on this matter. 
  • Often puts the characters against each other in terms of nominating them for evictions. 
  • This series explores the difference in gender and often makes them do tasks against each other to see which gender is superior. 
  • Shows topics that are risky e.g. strong language, moderate violence and nudity. 
  • The audience finds out a lot of detail about the characters personal lives through conversations that characters have with each other. 
  • During evictions the characters find out who is evicted at the same time as the audience. 
  • The audience develop love for certain characters and their relationships within the house. 
  • Cut scenes in between to show cinematics of the house.
  • A lot of conflict happens throughout the entire series. 
  • Characters often go to the diary room to talk about personal matters. 

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