Monday 29 January 2018

Celebrity Big Brother 2018

  • Reality competition. 
  • Channel 5, 9pm which is a mainstream slot. 
  • Explores sexuality e.g. LGBTQ issues 
  • Explores Feminism due to it initially only featuring women and then introducing the men later on. 
  • Various Nationalities throughout, e.g. American, Australian, English. 
  • Voiceover throughout to explore what is going on. Has a regional accent. 
  • Often has flashbacks to remind the audience of what happened during previous episodes. 
  • Multistrand due to focusing on a lot of different people within one episode even though they are all in the same house. 
  • Set within a house, not a normal setting. 
  • Audience often judge the characters and they decide whether to keep them in the show or not due to likability. 
  • A range of age, there is young people in their 20's compared to older people who are 60+ 
  • A range of class is explored also due to a few traditional middle class people in the way they talk and behave and a predominant amount of people who would appear to be working class with their behaviour, accent, etc. 
  • Mainly D list celebrities, often come from a reality show where they become 'famous' and then go onto this reality show.
  • Clear stereotypes - The politicians are very opinionated and harsh. The boy all act very 'Laddish' 
  • Several gay characters throughout and a drag queen. 
  • Purely a show for entertainment for audience satisfaction. 
  • Audience response differs compared to what characters they like and who they don't. Normally very strong opinions on this matter. 
  • Often puts the characters against each other in terms of nominating them for evictions. 
  • This series explores the difference in gender and often makes them do tasks against each other to see which gender is superior. 
  • Shows topics that are risky e.g. strong language, moderate violence and nudity. 
  • The audience finds out a lot of detail about the characters personal lives through conversations that characters have with each other. 
  • During evictions the characters find out who is evicted at the same time as the audience. 
  • The audience develop love for certain characters and their relationships within the house. 
  • Cut scenes in between to show cinematics of the house.
  • A lot of conflict happens throughout the entire series. 
  • Characters often go to the diary room to talk about personal matters. 

Stacey Dooley Investigates

Kids Selling Drugs Online. 

  • Dramatic music during certain scenes to highlight emotions, e.g. tension, anger, upset, etc. 
  • Features factual information throughout. 
  • Originally on BBC Three, which was a mainstream channel but got shut down on 16th February 2016 and now only aires online. 
  • Documentary Reality. 
  • Young, white, working class, female presenter who the show is titled after. 
  • Shows what will be featured throughout the show at the beginning to make audience more intrigued. 
  • Multistrand as there are multiple different people being interviewed who are from different walks of life. 
  • Mainly aimed at a Teen/Young adult audience. 
  • Audience have a moral judgement over the people being interviewed due to their age and the acts they are carrying out.
  • People with accents often get subtitled, the presenter however does not as she has a recognisable regional accent. 
  • The presenter finds out information throughout the show along with the audience. 
  • Urban settings e.g. Croydon 
  •  Hidden Camera footage which is often accompanied with tense music to connote danger. 
  • Blur out the faces of the 'Drug dealers' due to regulation reasons as they are mostly underage. 
  • The 'Top drug dealers' covered their faces with masks in order to not be identified. 
  • She undergoes covert operations initially by making the dealers think she wants to buy drugs and then meets them and tells them who she is and why she met them. 
  • Her opinions are often told directly to the camera for direct engagement with the audience. 
  • Young dealers were often shown to be vulnerable and sympathised whereas the men that made the drugs appeared ruthless and were seen as dangerous. They were the antithesis of each other in how they were shown and how they were meant to be judged by the audience. 

Wednesday 24 January 2018

Gogglebox Features

  • Multistrand.
  • Features stereotypes throughout - The gay couple from Brighton, White posh couple from Wiltshire. 
  • Lots of diversity - Ethnicity, gender, age, sexuality, etc. 
  • Set within their own individual homes. 
  • Flashforwards. 
  • Has a voiceover with a regional working class accent in order to relate to audience more. 
  • Mainly working class characters with the occasional middle class. 
  • British culture is dominant within the programme. 
  • There is a link between the audience and participants due to the audience seeing what they are watching and having similar reactions at the same time as the participants. 
  • Mainly mid shots with some close ups during specific parts to show expression. E.g, Shock, anger, etc. 
  • A range of event TV is looked at. E.g, News, Strictly come dancing, game shows and cooking shows as well as period dramas, etc. 
  • Their is normally an insight into the characters lives after breaks and at the beginning of the show to give them more context and engage them with the audience. 
  • Is mainstream TV, on at 9pm. 
  • Features the same families and couples throughout the whole season.