Monday 12 December 2016

News event - Colombia plane crash

The Guardian 

Colombia Plane Crash 

The colombia plane crash happened during late November, killing 71 people, most of whom were in the Brazilian Chapecoense Soccer team. This crash supposedly happen due to the plane having lack of fuel and was a tragic day for many families. 

The guardian's Headline was: Colombia plane crash: Bolivia suspends airline that operated flight. 
The guardian covered a range of stories to do with the plane crash, in regards to social group, articles mainly focused on the football players that died as majority of the team died and were important figures in football and to many young people. The age of people involved was mainly over 20 years old but the article itself was aimed towards younger people who follow football but also an older audience as well as it involved more than just the Chapecoense football team being affected. Many of the people affected were Brazilian as many journalists and the football team were on the plane travelling to attend the Copa Sudamericana final. 
The group is represented in a positive way as majority of the story is paying tribute to the victims of the crash and their families. The only negativity in these stories are aimed towards the plane driver as it was his incompetence and misconduct that caused the crash. Normally when victims are involved in stories the journalist is very sensitive so that explains why negativity is minimal in this circumstance. 

The technical methods in this article, such as images and colour, are quite minimal. There is one main image of the crash plane and that is all. The headline is fairly bold and involves a heading then subheading so that people know its about the Colombia plane crash. The language and factual information is fairly detailed and there is a large amount of it which explains more than just the crash, but how it may have happened and the victims and their context of being on the plane in the beginning. 

Mail Online 

The Mail Online Headline was: Bolivia defense minister calls Colombia plane crash 'murder' 

The article itself for this specific news provider was extremely short and not very detailed at all compared to the guardian's one. There was only one image of the plane crash again which could be due to sensitivity on the topic. The headline is extremely bold and could be quite controversial as the word 'murder' is an extremely harsh bold word to use. The article seems to just focus on the main parts of the story and provides a succinct summary of the tragedy whereas the guardian provided a more in depth story of it.  

This story was not the main story for the day it happened and was barely even covered on the news, this could be due it is being a developing country, if this crash happened in North America or the UK this story would have been front page and hugely covered on the news. 

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