Monday 31 October 2016

Thriller Movie Plan




Join the Revolution. 


DVD Cover and Poster.

Genre and Audience:

  • The target audience will be aimed towards teens.
  • Main genre will obviously be thriller but the sub-genre will be crime and revenge. 


  • Lincoln Brown is a police officer who is tired with the law and the way the police treat people so starts a rebellion against them. 
  • Harper Evans is the best friend of Lincoln Brown, also part of incognito group. 
  • Sienna Payne is an original member of the incognito group.
  • The Police.
Also includes minor characters.


A disastrous occurrence caused by the police forced the citizens of London to slowly start rebelling as a way of revenge. The group known as 'Incognito' start committing small crimes in a way to catch the police's attention and fight back. The group are normal everyday people and disguise themselves with masks in order to not be caught, originally thought up by the main character who is a police officer but disagrees with the rules and principles. Will include twists and murder/assaults and the protagonists being captured. 

Theme and Setting:

  • Theme - Crime and Revenge.
  • My thriller film will be set in Peckham as gang crime rates are high there. 
  • Set during the night in dark secluded areas, to intensify the theme. 

Emotional effects: 

  • The emotional effects could include anger or disgust aimed towards certain characters or the actions they perform. 
  • I think confusion could also come into it as many thriller movies contain plots and themes that can sometimes confuse the audience. 
  • Another emotional effect could be judgement against a situation or again a character or action performed. 

How does it appeal to a teen audience? 

  • It appeals to a teen audience as crime is normally associated with something teens would be interested in rather than an older audience. 
  • Also the plot line is aimed more towards a younger audience as it will be more understandable. 
  • The characters will also be relatively young so the audience will be able to relate to them and will have teenager mannerisms. 
  • The whole idea of a disguise and mystery within the characters will also be more understandable to younger characters as they will have elements of real life situations that adults may not be aware of. 

Technical Codes to use:

  • Camera Shots; would be mainly face on angles and shots from people to the setting and from people to the actions they are performing. 
  • The sound would be quite loud and harsh to fit into the theme and plot. 
  • Colour would be extremely dark to portray the mystery and crime in the movie.
  • Lighting would also be fairly dark for the same reasons.

Tuesday 11 October 2016

What is a Thriller film?

The themes and settings in a thriller include;

  • Crime 
  • Betrayal 
  • Real life
  • Urban 
  • Greed
  • Mystery (in mostly every triller movie) 
  • Modern 
  • Paranoia (featured a lot) 
The types of characters include; 

  • Protagonist Vs Antagonists (largely featured in most movies but especially trillers)
  • Hero Vs Villains 
  • Sidekick 
  • False hero/villain 
  • Victims 
  • Love/sex interest 
  • Stereotypes 
  • Minor characters 
  • Comic relief 

  • Murder 
  • Protagonists threatened/captured
  • Endings? 
  • Assault 
  • Chase scenes 
  • Gunfights 
  • Mind games (massive feature in triller movies) 
  • Twists 
The effect on the audience is;

  • Tension 
  • Suspense 
  • Fear 
  • Shock 
  • Excitement 
The technical codes are; 

  • Camera - shots, angles, movement 
  • Editing - cuts/fades
  • Sound
  • Colour 
  • Lighting 
  • Mis-en-scene 

Monday 10 October 2016

DVD cover analysis

When a stranger calls 

This DVD cover stands out as a horror/triller movie due to the colours used. The only colour on the cover are black and red, these colours are normally associated with horror movies as red symbolises evil and blood and black symbolises mystery.
There is a tag line which says 'evil hits home' with ties in with the plot as it's about a babysitting job going wrong.
The title of the movie is the most bold text so people will recognise it easily.
The main image is of a hand holding a phone with an image of a girl in distress, this sparks mystery as the audience don't know who the girl in the image is or who the hand actually belongs to.
There is also a review from 'news of the world' that described the movie as '... a genuine spine-chiller' which is a sell line to make people want to watch it, this quote also implies the horror genre of the movie.

Analysis of magazine covers

Image result for empire 2011 x men issue  Image result for sight and sound april 2009

These two covers are film based but there is a definitive contrast between the two. The two magazines are aimed towards different images hence the contrasting colours and fonts. EMPIRE is aimed towards a younger audience, you can tell this by the use of bold font and cover lines that features famous actors.
Sight and sound is aimed towards an older audience as it doesn't feature much colour and doesn't use a famous figure as the central image but instead just uses an image of people shooting a film.
The use of famous figures and 'x men on the front cover' will appeal to a young audience as well as an older audience as it is recognisable. EMPIRE magazine is very blue tone whereas sight and sound magazine is extremely dark and doesn't feature much colour other than a splash of red and yellow in the title and in the cover lines.
The masthead for EMPIRE is extremely large and noticeable to stand out whereas sight and sound is less eye catching.
In EMPIRE the front cover features more than one type of topic so if the reader wasn't interested in x men there is also many other categories featured in the magazine so it will appeal to a wider audience whereas sight and sound seems to focus on similar topics except the fact is features 'Sorrentino's il divo' festival then also talks about 'Disneys Pinocchio' to try and target a bigger audience.
Sight and sound is more of a formal magazine as there isn't much writing on the front cover whereas EMPIRE had a lot of bold writing as it's targeted at a different, younger audience.